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What is the best wood for outdoor burner?

Apr 22, 2023

If you own an outdoor wood burner or a wood-burning boiler, then you know how important it is to choose the right type of wood. Not all wood is created equal, and some types are better suited for outdoor burning than others. In this article, we'll discuss the best types of wood for your outdoor stove wood burning needs.

Outdoor Wood Burner and Wood-Burning Boilers

Before we dive into the best types of wood for outdoor burning, let's first talk about outdoor wood burners and wood-burning boilers. These are heating appliances that burn wood to heat water, which is then circulated through pipes and radiators to heat your home. They are typically located outside the home, but there are also indoor wood boilers available.

Best Types of Wood for Outdoor Burning

When it comes to outdoor burning stove or wood-burning boilers, hardwoods are generally the best choice. Hardwoods are denser and contain less moisture than softwoods, which means they burn hotter and longer. Some of the best hardwoods for outdoor burning include oak, hickory, maple, and ash.

Softwoods, on the other hand, are not recommended for outdoor burning. They contain more resin and sap, which can cause creosote buildup in your chimney or flue. This can be a fire hazard and can also reduce the efficiency of your outdoor wood furnace. Avoid softwoods like pine, spruce, and fir.

Other Considerations

When choosing the best wood for your outdoor wood burner or wood-burning boiler, there are a few other things to keep in mind. First, make sure the wood is seasoned and dry. Green wood or wood that contains too much moisture will not burn as efficiently and can also cause creosote buildup.

Second, consider the size of the wood. Larger pieces of wood will burn longer and produce more heat, but they can also be harder to ignite. Smaller pieces of wood will ignite more easily, but they will burn faster and produce less heat.


In conclusion, when it comes to outdoor wood furnace prices, the best types of wood for outdoor burning are hardwoods like oak, hickory, maple, and ash. Avoid softwoods like pine, spruce, and fir. Make sure the wood is seasoned and dry, and consider the size of the wood. By choosing the right wood for your outdoor wood burner or wood-burning boiler, you can ensure efficient burning and a warm, comfortable home.

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